Warm Audio
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The seventies were an amazing time, as bell-bottoms, chains and afros dominated the fashion scene and the swoosh and swirl of phaser effects were everywhere on the radio. From the guitar work of David Gilmour, Brian May and Eddie Van Halen to the trail-blazing keyboard stylings of Steely Dan, Herbie Hancock and Paul Simon’s Richard Tee, it seemed like everyone was incorporating phasers into their sound.
Of all of the designs available during that time period, one phaser pedal stood apart from the others due to its flexibility, sound quality and addition of fuzz sounds, and it was immediately adopted by funk bass pioneer Larry Graham as the core of his modulated sound with both Sly and The Family Stone and his own Graham Central Station.
The Warm Audio Jet Phaser is a hyper-authentic recreation of this famous pedal, accurate from the gooey swirl of the audio circuit to the look and feel of the enclosure, except that it’s true bypass and far more affordable and reliable than vintage units!