Fano Guitars

Fano Guitars was founded in 2001 by Dennis Fano, a Pennsylvania based luthier, designer, and builder. It is now helmed by former Fender Custom Shop employee, Jack Schwarz, and is a division of Desert Sons Musical Instruments, LLC. Schwarz purchased the company in 2016 and introduced their standard line the following year. The building and business insights that Schwarz gleaned from his years at Fender have proven essential to the expansion of the Fano brand. He oversees and works alongside a small team of dedicated luthiers who share his enthusiasm for the amazing instruments they craft.


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About Fano Guitars

A Fano guitar is steeped in tradition, and refined by innovation. Their models draw inspiration from a wide range of vintage instruments by brands such as Gibson, Fender, Rickenbacker, and Gretsch. That said, the sleek, singular aesthetic of their guitars is recognizable on its own. Fano guitars embody an uncanny arrangement of angles and curves which serve to obscure their historical provenance. They have fallen off a new page being slipped into the history books. They look so familiar, yet new at the same time. They appear broken-in, but are still incandescently fresh. To a pair of eyes weary of scanning the same vintage models by the same four brands, they look astonishingly “right”.

Fano Guitar Models

The Fano JM6 Guitar

The greatness of Fano is well illustrated by one of their most popular models, the JM6. Many guitarists have been drawn to the elegant curves of Fenders off-set “surf” guitars of the 1960s, only to find them ill-suited to their playing styles. The JM6 feels incredibly, balanced, light and is immensely playable. It’s fast “C” neck and compound radius accommodate a wide range of styles, and the warm transparent P-90s render every harmonic and sonic nuance gloriously present. It is also available with humbuckers, and is offered in different classic finishes. Like all Fano guitars, it is crafted by one luthier from start to finish. This enables the builder (their whole team consists of only 8 people) to truly create a story and identity for each instrument, which is then reflected in the relicing process. In keeping with their philosophy of traveling between the future and the past, they like to imagine what kind of player owned it “before”.

The Fano SP6 Guitar

Another time-bending, deeply satisfying Fano model is the SP6. If described as a hypothetical vintage guitar mix-and-match, it is a Telecaster bred with a Les Paul Jr. It has that iconic horizontal knob plate coupled with a big, round lower bout. The 24.75 scale length conspires with the specially voice neck P-90 to rattle every rafter in the house. The T-style bridge pickup is simply scorching. This is the perfect guitar for a minimalist who still wants the best of all worlds. Although each serial number is unique, Fano’s standard models are offered with one of two relicing options: medium or N.O.S (new old stock).

The Fano TC6 Guitar

The TC6 boasts one of the coolest pickguards we’ve ever seen. Built in a traditional, bolt-on T-style, this ax has a guard that wraps around the specially designed “Fano-tron” neck pickup. These pickups (another one sits beside the half-comp, brass-saddled bridge) are chocked full of vintage warmth and dazzling overtones. At a glance, the TC6 looks like a 60s department store model got a makeover in the custom shop. This guitar is 50% funky swagger and 50% all-purpose rock & roll machine.

The Fano RB6 Guitar

The RB6 is a retro-futurist masterpiece inspired by the British Invasion. Starting with the unique design of a Ric, it expands the dimensions out into a beveled shark fin upper bout, and up into an elegant German carve top. The whole package suggests musculature. It’s a fast car, tight-white t-shirt guitar. Sure, it can jingle and jangle, but it can also sear down the road, leaving a trail of lush overtones in its wake. The balance and feel is unreal. It’s a finely tuned machine that seems to anticipate your every move. It’s a stage guitar that you’ll never want to take off.

Fano Bass Guitars

In addition to six strings, Fano also makes an off-set electric bass called the JM4. Styled after the aforementioned JM6, the JM4 takes the early 60s surf vibes and extends them to the lower end of the sonic spectrum. It supports and cuts through in equal measure, ensuring the bass player will get as much love as the lead singer. It’s 34” scale and 12” fingerboard radius lend it speed, ease, and precision. The custom Fanobird pickups capture every nuance and roll them into a tight, punchy package.

Fano Alt-De-Facto Guitars

In addition to Fano’s standard line of guitars, there’s also the Alt-De-Factos. These are the inspired, high-end solid-bodies that first garnered Fano international acclaim. In addition to souped up, made-to-order versions of the RB6, TC6, SP6, and JM6, featuring boutique parts and pickups, the Al-De-Facto series also includes three other models. The PX6 and PX4 are post-modern, non-reverse “firebird”-style guitars that look like they’re flying even when they’re standing still. The GF6 is a center-block F-hole guitar that most resembles a Fender “Starcaster” but features some of the finest carves, grain, and curves one can find on a semi-hollow. The ML6 is a “Jr”, double-cut style guitar that combines sturdy, minimalist ergonomics with staggering power and chunk. A woody, rich thin-line version of the RB6 is also available as an Al-De-Facto. If you’re ready to invest in the best, these one-of-a-kind, personalized instruments are the way to go.

We’re beyond honored to carry the Fano line at midwood. We love everything about them, from their colorful, pitched headstocks to their masterful setups that make them feel like they’ve been dialed in just for you after decades of play. Their unique vision of solid-body guitar craft is a welcome revelation to six-stringers who want something that feels and looks familiar, but still stands out as fresh and new. Fano is where tradition meets 21st century style. Like vintage muscle-cars with modern engines, these guitars will take you anywhere, while catching every eye along the way. Stop by the shop to play one of the Fano standards or start drafting the Alt-De-Facto of your dreams.